THE THIRD DIMENSION TONY HARTLEY 19 KIPLING CLOSE LOCKWOOD HUDDERSFIELD MAY 94 YORKSHIRE No. 1 HD4 5HA Tel ( O484 ) 4 6 O 8 8 8. Welcome to the first ever 3D diskmag (CALLED THE THIRD DIMENSION) for the Atari and PC ( Amiga to follow very soon )Computers.I hope that you will find something of interest inside.The idea of this disk is to bring together all the members of the 3D Construction kit club ( and anybody else ) who are still interested in keeping in touch with each other and to keep them upto date with news,routines,revealations,ideas etc and also to place some useful objects,areas,samples,borders,demo's,etc on the disk for everyone to use. There is no charge for this disk as long as you have sent a blank disk to me with return postage and a self addressed envelope otherwise the cost is œ1 ( œ1.5O overseas ).This disk can be freely copied unless otherwise stated by an author of a demo etc. To read the TXT files you should be able to just double click on them to read or print them. I hope that you will support me by sending in any routines, letters,objects,news,etc either on disk or by letter. A beginners section and a new kitgame tutorial will start on next months disk. This is how i hope the disk will work.Every month i will send you a disk with all the latest info,objects etc on it.When you receive the disk you have two options,either 1- keep the disk and then send œ1.OO to cover the price of the next disk and postage or 2- unload all the info/objects that you want from it and then send it back to me empty or with any routines/letters etc that you may have with a first/second class stamp and then i will update your old disk with the new info/objects etc and send it back to you again.Option 2 seems to be better as you will only have to pay 5O pence ( A 25p stamp to send me the disk and a 25p stamped addressed envelope so that i can return the disk once i have updated it.)each month once that you have bought the initial first blank disk.This represents excellent value for money as the idea is not for profit but to keep people with similar interests together. As this is the first disk ( a little acorn ) it won't be quite as full as the forth coming ( oak tree ) disks but it should get better as time goes by.I want to try to keep an open policy of 'anything goes', as long as it is not offensive,liable, morally wrong etc.So if you are fed up with waiting for something or you have had a rough time with dealing with a company or you disagree with what they have said or you think that something is wrong or incorrect then feel free to voice your opinions.Also if you want to chat to another user then leave a message on the disk.The number of people who use this disk should hopefully grow each month as this disk will be going out on as many bullitin boards as i can get it on.This should prove useful to all of you games makers out there as you will get a mention and a demo if you make one on this disk,of your work that will be shown or mentioned hopefully on the Atari,PC and Amiga.I will try to send this disk out to as many computer magazines as i can too so that we get a mention.All this will take time but we will get there in the end. These are some of the categories that i hope to cover- A LETTERS PAGE -for you to write to each other or to me THE LATEST NEWS -information on 3D kit latest versions etc DEMO's -if you want to add a small demo of your game on this disk. NEW PD DISKS OUT -all the new 3D games/data files etc PD DISKS ALREADY AVAILABLE-a full listing WORK IN PROGRESS-if you are making a game and dont want anyone else to do the same project then here is where to mention it. OBJECTS-useful objects etc AREAS-to use in your creations SAMPLES-doors creaking,sirens,speech etc BORDERS-i myself will also include a few new ones each month 3D WORLDS AND DATA-if i can squeeze it on ROUTINES/TIPS- how do you do that? TUTORIALS- we explain and show you how to do it. USEFUL UTILITIES-maybe a screen dump routine or sample player for kit one etc- A FOR SALE SECTION- got a sampler to sell to help with the kit or an old computer etc ADVICE/HELP/PHONE NUMBERS/ADDRESSES OFFERING HELP. A BEGINNERS SECTION- for all you folk new to the kits AND ANYTHING ELSE THAT YOU WANT TO SEE ON THE DISK-e.g jokes,poems,competions etc or anything else. The layout will be similar to the newsletters but disk based and more upto date ( monthly ) but with the added attraction of things on disk to use.I am not taking over the 3D user group as Mandy Rodrigues is doing an excellent job of running it and is always available for help etc.This disk is just a nice way of keeping you informed of future events,providing samples,objects, data etc and a medium for swapping views,letters and more.It is mainly concerned with the 3D kits but also with any other things that may interest you too.If you want to see something on this disk then let me know. I have spoken to Mandy and she will support us all the way.She is still available for help,info,problems etc and will contribute to this disk too.I must thank Mandy for all the help that she has given to everyone over the years and she has become a great friend to me via the phone/letters.Just remember that she has a lot of work piled up so please be patient when waiting for your disks that you have ordered from her. Most of you already know me via the phone/letters etc but if you don't then here is a very brief description.- First of all i have a very big sense of humour.I am broad minded and very hard to offend.I like to think that people can speak their mind to me and if something bothers you then say so.If you dont like what i have written or disagree or know a better routine etc then tell me.My phone number is O484 46O888 and you can ring me at anytime for a chat about anything at anytime as long as it is not bedtime( usually 12 midnight to 8 AM ).I live in Yorkshire and thats why i keep missing words out 'tha knows'.I have kit 1 and 2 and i have an Atari 1O4O (1 meg) STE and an Amiga A12OO computer.I am always making mistakes as i am only human and i like anything to do with SCIENCE FICTION and SPACE.I have playtested a lot of the previous versions of Kit 2 on the Atari and i have produced a kit 2 game,4 objects disks,and 1 objects disk for Kit 1.I am currently working on a new project.Right thats enough from me,over to you.I want to hear from you ! - If you can write a letter on the disk with a word processor preferably saved as an ASCII file then good.If not then send a letter to the address above.I want- routines,objects,areas,letters,ideas,helplines/phone numbers etc. If you don't have anything to write or contribute then don't worry.Don't feel that you have to contribute.This is your disk so please feel free to have your say as there are no hard and fast rules as to the content on the disk. As regards to the different computer formats-The Atari can read/write PC compatible disks and as such the two coputers will share the same disk format unless this proves to be unfeasible or if the volume of data is so great that it warrants a separate disk for each computer format.Text in ASCII format can be read by both computers as can many picture formats,samples and kit 1 data etc.There will be certain things that wont swap e.g.kit 2 data but if Atari users and PC users both contribute then there should be something for everyone.At the very least it is a disk to write letters and keep in touch with other members and to receive the latest news,PD games,routines etc.Amiga owners will receive the same text as PC/Atari owners and roughly the same objects etc.So if you have a PC and you wish to speak to an Amiga owner then don't worry as the same text that you read on your disk format will be the same as the text on the Amiga disk and vice-versa. A FEW LITTLE RULES- Please DO NOT put anything in Folders or Directories or Drawers as the information really needs to be in the route directory ( straight onto the disk )of the disk. Make sure that i can fit the disk into your stamped self addressed envelope.It does not have to be a jiffy bag.An ordinary envelope will do as i will wrap the disk in tight paper to protect it. Please only use normal 3 1/2 inch disks,double sided double density preferably. Dont forget to stamp your envelope and put your name on it. Please state which computer format you would like the disk on. THE DISK CONTENTS- What will you find on this disk? Well for a start there is a nice collection of samples in both AVR and 3SM format by Dave Willmore.A collection of borders in Neochrome ( NEO ) and Degas ( PI1 ) format.The excellent 'Rucksack' routine complete with demo by Ozzie Omara.Another routines file.A tips section.A collection of some of the worst jokes around.Some kit 2 areas,kit 1 data files,a PD list,a talking point section,a maze game ( kit 1 format ) for everyone to add to,the latest news on kit 2 versions,a kit 1 sample utility,a list of help and advice addresses and telephone numbers and other bits and pieces. And finally...... Many thanks to the following people for their help in getting this disk 'off to a flying start' and for all the help with routines etc. Mandy Rodrigues Dave Willmore Ozzy O'mara Mieke Van Der Poll Nigel Alefounder John Clarke Robin Ball ALL THE BEST TONY HARTLEY